SOMCAN Russ Street
2016audio interview & sound installation, various locations in San Francisco, here on front steps of building on Russ Street, South of Market San Francisco. Standard sound equipment used in SOMCAN offices/ralliesHD video excerpt, 1:00(in collaboration with Alexa Drapiza)
This amplifies SOMCAN member Alexa Drapiza’s recollection of the area near her former home. Written as a love note directly for the alley itself, she notes memories of the people who used this public space in the South of Market. Placed in front of buildings pertaining to her text and near several cultural landmarks, nearby pedestrians include people she grew up around and professionals working in organizations she has frequented, like many people her age.
The project is part of a larger system of several works in tandem. Furthermore, this framework operates through SOMCAN to understand its members and area with a more complicated lens. I’m invested how projects reside long-term by participants already living complex lives as producers, organizers, researchers, timely visitors, and active locals in multi-vocal, intergenerational communities.